
Torpedo Custom

Ever since seeing a Tucker Torpedo in the Murdo (South Dakota) Pioneer Auto Museum in 2001, I’ve been fascinated with the vehicle. Many years later, somebody gave me a DVD with the video about the brilliant man named Preston Tucker. He thought about many features, like rollover protection and directional lights, decades before anybody else – and realized them. Most of them far too advanced for the time, though. Mind you, we’re talking about 1948!

The sleek design inspired me to create a modernized version of the Tucker Torpedo, while retaining the key elements of the design. Yes, HotWheels models did play an influential role here…

VirtualModels Tucker Torpedo photoshop chop Hot Wheels Style

1948 Tucker Torpedo Custom | photoshop chop © Sebastian Motsch (2012)

Tucker Torpedo reference picture

1948 Tucker Torpedo | reference picture


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  • Rampart

    This is sick dude! Only found out about this car today and searched google for more pics and this came up. Bringing it up to date makes it look sooo good!! I love the original just as much. I’m torn, if I was rich enough to buy one then I’d have to buy both.

  • Sebastian Motsch

    Thank you, sir! Much appreciated.

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