
Vipercharger R/T

From deep in my archives, I dug out this picture. Back then in 2007, a photoshop forum staged a contest. The picture to be modified was one of a red Dodge Charger. In order to have something outstanding for the contest besides the usual visual tuning, I decided to cross-breed the Charger with a Viper. Et voilá… the Vipercharger.

Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, but mind you… it’s rather old. By the way – it never got finished to meet the deadline.


Dodge Vipercharger

Dodge Vipercharger R/T | photoshop chop © Sebastian Motsch (2007)

Dodge Charger

Dodge Charger | reference picture


  • Alee

    This is nice, but what about a mix of the previous Charger and the current model of the Charger? The front half must be from the current gen Charger and the rear half of the previous. That would be awesome I guess.

    • Sebastian Motsch

      Hi Alee,

      I might do just that in the future! Thanks for the heads up 🙂


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