
Alfasud Sprint

A very simple shape can look quite mean when modified in a certain way. This Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint has been lowered substantially, fender flares have been added and the bumpers elmininated. The side exhaust adds to the racecar look.

Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint

Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint | photoshop chop by Sebastian Motsch (2010)

Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint

Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint | reference picture


  • c’est genial continuez ainsi
    les modeles alfa gtv et alfa 75 se preterait volontier a vos modifs

    alfisti tutti


  • Elias

    I wonder if you have the model or brand of those wheels on the sprint.
    I have an 1986 Sprint and I think those wheels (rims) are a great chice for that car.


    • admin

      Hello Elias,

      thank you for your interest. I honestly can’t tell you brand or model of the wheels pictures here. If I remeber correctly, I “borrowed” them from a Lotus Esprit.

      Kind regards,

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  • zain

    Hi there, I’m Zain.

    Wanted 2 see how there car looks from the front and rear.
    Can you forward me some pics. I also have a Red Alfa Romeo Sprint and love your design


  • Sebastian Motsch

    Hello Zain,

    thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately there are no pics of this car at other angles.

    Have a great day!

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