2019Mercedes-Benz C107 450 SLC with custom top chop
Mercedes-Benz C107 450 SLC with custom top chop
When I found the original picture of this Mercedes-Benz C107 450 SLC parked in front of the Nice Matin building, I fell in love with it immediately. The color hues and saturation just scream late 70’s / early 80’s! The picture was immediately saved to the ever growing to-do folder… and gathered virtual dust for a couple of years. Every once in a while, I opened it and pondered the question how I wanted to modify it. Shooting break? Delivery van? In the end, I went for a classic custom top chop, along with a more contemporary set of larger diameter wheels and lower profile tires. Sometimes small changes go a long way in totally changing a vehicles appearance.
Click here to see the original picture.
Bonjour, la slc est magnifique avec ces jantes, je voudrais savoir svp si ces jantes existent vraiment et en qelle taille elles sont, merci.
Sebastian Motsch
je pense que ces jantes ne sont pas disponibles.
Paul Osborne
I was almost fooled by this, it looks so good. Less is more and that roof chop with the wheels has created what would be the coolest looking coupe of its era if it were real. I always thought the C107 lacked something with its styling. This looks absolutely stunning. I love what you did with it.
Sebastian Motsch
Hello Paul,
Thank you very much for the kind words. I always aim to create realistic pictures.