This is another one of those 15 minute challenges. I found a (very small and bad quality) picture of a Renault R18 Turbo wagon and thought this might look good converted into a shooting break. The actual shooting break conversion was done in six minutes, but it took forever to modify the rear wheel arch and to get the stance just right. The original ride height is more suited to a 4×4 trail than to a regular road and naturally I changed it. I kept the original wheel design, but increased the diameter an inch to 15″. This was fun, but it’s a shame the quality of the picture is horrible.
Prefer stock ride height and body? Check out the original picture.
PS: I might re-create this with a better picture at some point in the future.
This is another one of those lunch break quickies. Found an old picture of a Renault R21 Turbo, as driven by the French Gendarmerie Nationale. Larger diameter OEM+ wheels, lowering and a few details here and there. Done.
Ever since spending the holidays in France as a young boy, I had a weak spot for the Renault 25. Two years ago I created a quick chop of a Renault 25 Turbo. This time around it’s the luxurious Baccara version with the V6 engine, which gets treated to a makeover. Worthy of receiving a STANCE | WORKS sticker? You decide…
Another one of those challenges from a friend who likes French cars: “Photoshop this picture of a Renault 25 in one hour, just using what you have in the picture. No imported wheels, spoilers or anything else.” Unfortunately, the car pictured is only a base model, meaning it doesn’t have painted bumpers. Now, who is happy about having flat black/grey bumpers? People in Paris! The traffic and parking is so bad that your bumpers are always going to receive a ding here and there (see Video below). Hence the Paris sticker
There is not much more one can do with this particular picture, but I hope you like the outcome anyways.
The Renault R4 has always been a vehicle that accepts many modifications to the body without looking too weird. I kept it simple by just removing the rear doors and windows, lowering the ride height and adding larger diameter wheels. Just a quick chop over the weekend for fun. Peace
Ever since my friend Gerd took delivery of his new corporate car, I thought it definitely needed a Hot Wheels sticker. The Renault Mégane with the GT package in Gordini blue just reminded me of the 1:64 scale models. Unfortunely Gerd didn’t like the idea of stickering his car – so I tinkered with the idea using Adobe Photoshop. Et voilà, mon ami.
Click here to see the HW toy in retro packaging and learn how to buy such things without spending your allowance cash
A TV commercial starring a rhino and a Renault Kangoo told you that this vehicle wins hearts, not beauty contests. It certainly never won a beauty contest and most definitely not my heart. This vehicle does exist, but I was just never interested in the concept. But nevertheless… even one of the ugliest vehicles may be turned into something a bit more desirable. Well, provided you have enough money and are willing to throw it at such a project. It could be fun, couldn’t it? Imagine opening the side doors and finding a twin-turbo mounted midships. Massive wheels and brakes, a proper suspension setup and low center of gravity. Obviously, the body has received a few minor tweaks as well.
For many years I have been wondering, why Renault didn’t build a proper turbo version of either the 15 or 17 coupé. The powertrain of the Renault 5 Turbo would have fit in the coupé bodies. Well, with some minor alteration to the original shell, of course. Because this is very easy to do in Adobe Photoshop, I just went ahead and did it: transplanting the powertrain and adapting the wide fenders. Voilá, c’est le résultat.
Even though overlooked by most people, the Renault Fuego is a nicely designed car. It does however lack sportiness when factory stock. I flared the fenders, added larger diameter OZ Futura wheels with low profile tires and removed some of the plastic trim.
Having spent considerable time of my youth on holidays in France, French cars always remind me of those days. This Renault 5 has been transformed into a little pocket rocket with a turbocharger and intercooler. I have tried a new technique on this one to make body panels look like they have holes.