The BMW 2002 ti was a proposal designed by Marcello Gandini and built by Bertone. It was displayed at the 1970 Salon d’Automobile in Geneva and disappeared after the show ended, never to be seen again.
BMW Isetta Dragster
It was a successful year for my photoshop blog VirtualModels: I created 44 photoshop chops in 2018. Many thanks to everybody for your support, encouraging words and great ideas for improvements.
I wish all of you a Happy New Year 2019!
Es war ein erfolgreiches Jahr für meinen Photoshop Blog VirtualModels: ich habe in 2018 44 Photoshop Chops angefertigt. Herzlichen Dank an alle für Eure Unterstützung, ermunternde Worte und großartige Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Ich wünsche Euch allen ein Frohes Neues Jahr 2019!
Herzliche Grüße and yours sincerely – Sebastian Motsch
Happy New Year to everybody! Frohes Neues!
A rainy sunday with cold wind gustst at the end of a super dry summer. No reason to leave the house and plenty of time to photoshop something. After fiddling around with a couple of projects that never quite get finished, I found a picture of a BMW E21 323i and immediately started modifying it. The most obvious choice would have been a BMW V8 engine swap, but because I wanted a USDM style theme on the vehicle, it made more sense to pretend that it is converted to a GM LS1 V8. The NASCAR inspired steel wheels give the car a more or less period-correct look and the overfenders add a more modern touch. The stance is a compromise between aggressive fitment and driveability – not too low, to remain functional. I removed the trim on the sides and the rear bumper and replaced them with two black stripes. The Alpina front spoiler, the rear wing and the diffusor create an aerodynamic package that has yet to be tested in a wind tunnel. This BMW E21 could be a daily driver with ample power and excellent gas mileage. Now, who wouldn’t want to have one?
Staring at the undercarriage of a car that has massive rust issues is more depressing than inspiring. Combing the rust particles out of my scalp proved to be inspiring though, because the vehicle in question is a gorgeous Hofmeister-designed BMW E9 coupé a friend of mine bought last year – sight unseen. As always, I let my mind wander in the following days to see what ideas I could come up with. Shooting Break? No, I want to do something else with it and create something out of the ordinary. CS means Coupé Sport and while talking about the recent trend of labeling new BMWs Gran Coupé, the coin dropped. A long list of modifications would be necessary to bring this to life. It sounds easier to do this in Adobe Photoshop, but it went through a lot of iterations until I was happy with the result.
Apart from the obvious additon of two doors, there are many modifications you likely didn’t spot right away when looking at the picture. The wheelbase is slightly longer to create room for the passengers feet and the front doors are shorter to keep the proportions in check. Extending the roof was a challenge in itself, because I also had to adjust the chrome trim above the windows. The E9 has frameless windows and I wanted to keep it that way. In order to be able to open the rear windows fully, I had to design a guide for the window, because I didn’t want to alter the C-pillar. Subtle, elegant and practical, just as the Karmann designers and engineers might have done it when challenged with such a task back in the days. Content with how the 4-door body turned out, I turned my attention to the wheels. The dinky original 14″ wheels look too small even for the 2-door and therefore I decided to utilize 15″ wheels with the same design. The hubcaps were carried over from the original 14″ wheels.
For comparison, please take a look at the original picture.
In case you’re not a friend of the Saharabeige BMW 2002 Turbo Panel Wagon, here is a different version for you: medium grey with M-colored turbo stripes. Instead of placing them on the usual location on the front fender, I opted to put it on the door. This creates a nice mirror-like effect with the A-pillar, which is almost shaped like an arrowhead pointing in the direction of travel. Next up will be an El Camino style pick-up. Stay tuned!
Check out the BMW 2002 4-door touring this conversion is based on.
Creating the BMW 2002 Touring was so much fun that I decided to run with the idea and turn it into a panel wagon. I kept the shortened front doors to maximize cargo space in the spacious rear compartment. Having done that I noticed that the half of the vehicle looked rather bland. 2002 Turbo fender flares and BBS E50 center-lock wheels help tremendously to remedy this situation. Gotta haul those BMW Motorsport parts in style!
PS: Wait for the next iteration if you don’t like the period-correct Saharabeige (oo6) of this version.
Waking up to the news that Paul Rosche (aka Nocken Paule) passed away yesterday inspired me to finish a long-overdue project: the BMW 2002 4-door Touring.
Why would somebody want to do that? Well, a friend of mine thought about converting a 1:24 scale model of a BMW 02-series to a station wagen. He challenged me to design such a car with Photoshop, so he could use the picture as a reference for the build. Challenge accepted… but as always, it took (a lot) longer than expected. We agreed to leave the wheelbase as is, which made it very difficult to get the proportions right. Yes, the front doors are shortened and the rear doors are a little too short and only suitable for children – but the 02-series was never known to have much space for grown-ups. I wanted to keep the pop-out windows in the rear, even though it might only available at extra cost by ticking the right box on the order sheet.
Rest in peace, Mr. Rosche. May one of your brilliantly designed engines live in the engine bay of this vehicle – should anyone ever build it in 1:1 scale.
Please let me know if you like the design and if you’re interested to see the other versions I cooked-up, based on the same original picture. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Few people would think this legendary BMW designed by Albrecht Graf von Goertz needs more muscle or any other modification. And with the car being a high-priced classic it is probably wise not to tinker with it. However, sometimes you want to let your phantasy run wild, don’t you? Imagine if somebody with sufficient funds would get hold of a 507 roadster…
I always thought this particular vehicle is very elegant and beautifully shaped – but the stance was never to my liking. The nose high up in the air just doesn’t cut it for me. Now, I could have lowered the car and be done with it. But no, I added a few subtle modifications like the period-correct wheels a chopped windshield and a larger exhaust. Who know what might be hiding under the hood? A supercharger would be nice you think? Let your imagination go crazy!
The BMW M1 has always been a design icon. There isn’t really much one could alter on that fabulous design. Well, apart from converting it into the famous ProCar Championship version, of course. So, subtle design alterations only. Lowered, deep dish cross spoke wheels and a few other modifications. That’s it.
VirtualModels salutes Team MATBE-racing for winning 2nd place in class H2 at the 8th race of the VLN 2011
Drivers Harald Schlotter and Thilo Winkler from MATBE-racing won second place in the H2 class at the 8th race of the 2011 VLN season. Their trusty 2 liter BMW 320iS (E30) with the S14 engine ran without any problems. Thilo set the fastest lap with an official time of nine minutes and fifty seconds (09:50). For those who don’t know the VLN: one lap includes both the Nürburgring Grand Prix course and the famous Nordschleife, totaling just over 25km. If you are interested in more detailed statistics and the overall winnners, check www.vln.de.
VirtualModels gratuliert dem Team MATBE-racing zum 2. Platz in der H2 Klasse des 8. VLN Laufs 2011.
Die Fahrer Harald Schlotter and Thilo Winkler vom Team MATBE-racing gewannen den zweiten Platz in der H2 Klasse beim achten Rennen um den 2011er VLN Langstreckenpokal. Der BMW mit einem BMW S14 Motor ausgestattete 320iS (E30) lief ohne Probleme. Thilo fuhr mit neun Minuten und fünfzig Sekunden (09:50) die schnellste Runde. In der VLN werden sowohl die Grand Prix Strecke des Nürburgrings als auch die berühmte Nordschleife gefahren. Die gesamte Streckenlänge beträgt knapp über 25km. Detaillierte Statistiken und Informationen finden Sie unter unter www.vln.de.
A buddy of mine is a huge Alpina fan and member of the German Alpina forum. Therefore I decided to show him the Alpinasetta, a vehicle he has never seen before. The BMW Isetta has been given the full Alpina treatment, including the famous wheels and stripes. still cute, no? But just imagine a 1200 cm³ motorcycle engine in the back!
I think the BMW X6 is shockingly ugly. There must be a way to create something nice even from this behemoth. After finding a picture with interesting perspective and lighting, I started to create a virtual model of the BMW X6 – the way they should have designed it.
When I found the original picture, I instantly decided that it deserved a nicer background. The 70’s color of this BMW E12 5-Series really stands out – and the shadow line conversion adds to it. Not much else was done, I just added a couple of period correct alloy wheels and lowered it.