2014Volvo VN 770 Custom
After modifying a Volvo VN series about two years ago and receiving many positive comments, I felt the urge to do it again. This time around it’s an older version of the much loved Volvo VN. Once again it turned out to be a great idea to keep it simple. Lowered over a set of larger chrome rims and adding a few aero enhancements do the trick quite easily. Hope you will like it!
I have the same truck and I want my truck to look just like this one. What size rims on it and the tire size and where can I buy them, please tell me a dealer in the US.
Sebastian Motsch
Hello Van, please see the email I sent to you for the answers. Thank you. 🙂
Hi would you email me what size rims on it and the tire size and where can I buy them?
Sebastian Motsch
Hello Oleg,
thank you for your enquiry. This is just a modified picture of a Volvo truck. Please see your tire dealer and ask for available sizes. Thank you.
Best regards
I did talk to my tyre guy but he never heard of those kind of rims and low profile tyres The only tyres/rims are 24.5″. But the low profile tyres like on the picture seems like they don’t exist, from my understanding the rims/tyres on this picture is photoshopped and doesn’t exists in the real world.
Sebastian Motsch
Yes Oleg, like I always said: it’s just a picture that has been modified with Photoshop. 😉
Godwin Johnson
Wow, that thing is nasty, lol.
Wow you guys thought those were real Lol